Wednesday 23 January 2013

Update Search Results in WSS 3.0

A - OBJECTIVE: to manually run Search Crawling & Indexing at WSS 3.0 (aka SharePoint 2007)


A new list with its items was created but it is not shown in the Search result (even 2 weeks after the creation date).


To configure database settings & use stsadm commands.


1. Database Permission: ensure the account (used for Search crawling/indexing) should have expected access rights (e.g. dbowner, dbcreator, etc):

– Open the DB server by Management Studio

– Right click at the Server Name, then choose Properties

– At Permission option, select the Account & grant permissions

2. SharePoint Config:

– Central Administration > Operations > Services on Server > Windows SharePoint Services Search Service Settings => Configure “Indexing Schedule”

* Note (9 Mar 2013): if you don’t see “WSS Search Sevice”, you can start it by stsadm -o spsearch -action start

– Site Actions > Site Settings > Search Visibility => to ensure the web is visible for Search

– Listing Settings > Advanced Settings > Allow items from this list to appear in search results? Yes => Allow list items to be searchable

3. Manual Crawl:

– Stop Crawling by: stsadm –o spsearch –action fullcrawlstop
– Start a Full Crawl: stsadm –o spsearch –action fullcrawlstart

* Note: Full command guide:

4. Check Database: Open the Search Database & look for information at:

– [MSSCrawlContent]: list all crawls so far => after you start a new crawl, a new row is added for your reference.

– [MSSScopes]: show Search Scopes (e.g. All Sites or People Search).

– [MSSCrawlHostList]: show all crawl rules with the success/error/warning messages for the latest crawl => it can be used to check if the crawl is happening by refreshing the SELECT statement frequently.

– [MSSCrawlURL]: show successful crawled URLs

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